
Gameplay Rules (Draft)

Game board Setup:

Each player starts with 12 game pieces of a single color.

Setting the board

Players alternate placing two game pieces at a time on the board, with the following restrictions:

- The first two pieces that Player One (in this case, the Red player) places must be in the center square on the outermost rows--the two pieces must be on opposite sides..  

- The first two pieces that Player Two (the Blue player) places must be in the remaining outermost center squares, so that after both players have set down their first two pieces, the board will look something like this:


-  Once the initial pieces are set, Player One and Player Two continue to set their pieces, two at a time, anywhere on the board EXCEPT the center “Safe” square.  When all the pieces are placed, all the spaces except the safe square will be filled, as in this example:


The object of Seega is to capture all (or all but one) of your opponent’s game pieces.  In order to capture a piece, you must move your game piece so that one or more of your opponent’s game pieces are caught between two of your pieces (known as “Custodial Capture”), as in the examples below:


1. Player One moves into the center square.  Note that game pieces cannot move diagonally, they can only move up, down, left, or right, into an unoccupied square.  Pieces may only move one square at a time, and may not “jump” squares.

2., 3.  In this example, player one, now in the center square, has sandwiched two blue pieces between the center red piece, and the center red pieces on either end of the game board, thus capturing two blue pieces in one move.


4. Since Player One successfully captured one or more of Player Two’s pieces, Player One can continue to move the SAME piece to attempt another capture. In this example, Player One moves his red piece down, and captures another of Player Two’s game pieces.

5. Because Player One captured another blue piece, he can move the same piece again. Seeing there are no other captures, he moves his piece back into the center square (also called the Safe Square).



6. Player Two takes his first move, and moves a game piece over one to the right.  Notice that even though Player One’s red piece is sandwiched between two blue pieces, that piece is safe from capture because it rests on the center “Safe Square”.

Note that if at any time either Player cannot move a piece because all the player’s pieces are blocked from moving into any empty squares by opponent pieces, then the blocked player may remove  any one of the opponent pieces to allow a move.

Play continues until one side or the other has one or zero pieces remaining (If a player has only one piece left, then he cannot capture any more pieces, so the game is over).

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