Wednesday, December 15, 2010

20 Square (Tjau) board and pieces

This picture shows one of our 20-Square (Tjau) boards, with prototype game pieces and a set of knucklebones for dice.  The pieces were sculpted in clay and then cast in resin; we'll probably create molds to easily create complete sets for each game board.
Tjau boards were well known during the same time as Senet, and could be often found on the opposite side of Senet boards.  This particular set has a Senet board on the flip side of the lid.

1 comment:

  1. I was just playing 20 squares on the British Museum site with my 10 years old, and wondering if anyone makes a version! Do you sell these? I think the double game (20 Squares and Senet) would be fun to have! Our 5th grade teacher would probably enjoy a board, too (she is the chess club sponsor!!) I might need to save up for one. How much would you charge for a set?
