Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hnefetafl pieces

Hnefatafl--those familiar with this old Scandanavian board game will realize I'm missing pieces in this image of one of our boards.  The 9 versus 16 ratio belongs to the 9 x 9 Tablut gameboard, rather than Hnefatafl's 11 x 11 board.  Truth is, I ran out of resin.  We're still deciding which game piece style to go with on our tafl boards. 

 As much as I like our game pieces, I'm fascinated with an image of authentic Hnefetafl pieces found on Wikipedia, from the Swedish Museum of National Antiquities:

We've played with spherical gamepieces before, and I'm leaning toward that style.  We'll try to turn out a few in the next week or so.


  1. I used to make a sets loosely based on that authentic one, using Fimo, and I may start doing so again. Very much recommended, as the king is excessively cute. You can see one of my early attempts on the title page of:

  2. Oops - my site is altered since I wrote the comment above, so it no longer makes much sense. The picture is at
